On this day a mere 11 years ago – a blip in time, really, this magnificent dog was born. And on that day I looked at his face and said “Whoa, this is one is gonna be ugggggly.”

And how wrong I was. He grew and grew and grew.

And so did his ears

And before long he was a magnificent beast.

He tested my patience. He tested my mettle. He even tested a variety of surfaces that are not for dogs (tabletops, cars etc). In agility he lost his mind. In life, he lost his hearing. But throughout it all, he has been my bestest buddy.
So today, at the ripe old age of eleven, with 8 of our closest pals, we celebrate his life.

And we do it with CAKE!

(That’s supposed be an “11” with a heart above it, made out of bacon bits, but I never said I was a cake decorator. Fortunately, Dexter and the other dogs are not discerning).
Yes my good boy, I baked that for you!

Yes, all for you!

Go ahead and enjoy.

That’s my very good boy.

I love you so much, Happy Birthday.
Nice to see you feel the same way.

Poop4U Blog
via www.Poop4U.com
The Food Lady, Khareem Sudlow
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