This blog post is sponsored by Tyson Pet Products, Inc. All opinions and imagery are my own..
Isn’t it funny how a pet can come into our lives and simply change everything?
This happened to me when my son brought home a 4-week old Pit Bull/Boxer mix puppy 10 years ago. We sure didn’t need another dog… or so I thought.
Nike Jayne would go on to almost literally save my family a few years later when we went through one of the most difficult experiences a family can endure. It’s incredible when I think back about how much comfort she provided, how therapeutic her kisses were, and how that wagging nub of a tail made us all feel so much better.
She’s the one that turned me into a dog person, by the way.

And then there’s Georgie, my “soul mutt”. After our 16-year old Sadie died in 2015, I realized how much I missed having a small dog around, and that’s what lead me to cute little blonde Dachshund, Georgie. She’s adorable and obnoxious, sweet and sassy, and demure and defiant, all rolled into the cutest little package you’ve ever seen.
She honestly brings me more joy everyday than I can even admit. It’s almost embarrassing how much I love her.

Because I love my dogs so much, I do all I can to show it each and every day. Whether it’s lots of walks, playtime, or special treats, my girls get an abundance of all the good stuff life has to offer, and isn’t that how it should be?
That’s one of the reasons why we love Nudges® Dog Treats, a natural dog treat. Nike and Georgie love the NEW Nudges® Jerky Chews, and I love that they’re made with real USA chicken, without rawhide or fillers. They’re a treat dog moms can feel good about giving their mutts.

But let’s not forget the NEW Nudges® Protein Biscuits. These crunchy treats are my dogs’ favorites. They’re made with real USA protein as the #1 ingredient. They contain no wheat flour and they’re are all-natural. Another win-win, if you ask me!
Food is my dogs’ love language, so it’s important to me that the treats I give them are special and will get their tails wagging. I also like knowing that what I’m giving them is natural, and of course being able to find them on makes it especially simple to treat my dogs to something good.

And no matter how busy I get, or how distracted I become by all that’s going on in the world, I know that I’ll find love and comfort when I cuddle up with my two goofy dogs, and that renews my faith in the world every single time.
So why wouldn’t I want to do something just as special for them, for the two who remind me that life is good and there’s plenty to smile about, each and every day?

We’ve tried a lot of dog treats over the years, and I’m happy to report that my mutts are crazy about Nudges Dog Treats, and because they’re made with real protein, Mom likes them, too.

And did I mention that you’ll find these natural treats exclusively in-store at Walmart, as well as online at I love that treating my dogs with love is so conveniently available.

If your dog is your best friend, why not show her how much you care with a special treat? I promise, she won’t be disappointed in Nudges Dog Treats, and neither will you. Visit to stock up.

Thank you to Nudges® Dog Treats for sponsoring this blog post.
The post Share the Love With Nudges® Dog Treats appeared first on The Everyday Dog Mom.
Poop4U Blog
Christina, Khareem Sudlow
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