5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day - Pick Doggo

5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day

#DoggyBlog #Poop4U

If you spend a minimum of one hour browsing pet photos on Instagram a day — don’t worry. You’re not alone. Pet photos are wholesome content and a welcome distraction from the current news cycle.

Not to mention, those producing this joy-filled content are making some healthy cash. Some pet influencers make up to $15,000 per Instagram post! It’s no wonder why so many pet owners create social media accounts for their furry friends.

It takes more than just being cute to make it in the pet influencer world, though. It takes time, effort and some killer photography skills. If you think your doggo has what it takes to become #Instafamous, here are some photo tips from the photography experts at Dreamstime.com to up your pup’s Instagram game for National Dog Day or any day!

5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pup Pic for National Dog Day

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5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day

1. Clean up the background

Just like when shooting for humans, if something in frame doesn’t make the photo better, get rid of it. The empty water glass on the coffee table? Put it in the sink. The garden hose you forgot to roll up after watering your rhododendrons over the weekend? Move it out of the way. 

And if you can’t move it, fix it. Adjust the pillows on the couch and make your bed before snapping a picture. Likewise, the trash can at the dog park isn’t the prettiest backdrop, so you’ll probably want to find a new location. Make sure nothing can distract from the cuteness in your images.

5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day

2. Use natural lighting

Finding the light applies to more than just your Instagram selfies. To best capture your pet’s eyes, it’s important to have the right lighting, which comes on sunny days. Natural lighting is great because it is bright yet diffused. Your daily walks are some of the best times to snap shots, and also often correlate with golden hour (double points if you take golden retriever pics during this time).

golden retriever

3. Meet them where they are

Pet photos are much more engaging when the photographer meets them in their world. Do what it takes to see things from their point of view — squat a little bit to see things the way your Newfie does or lay down on the ground to get even with your Pomeranian.


4. Tire them out

Nothing is worse than when your good boy is having an especially cute day, but you just can’t get him to sit still. Spend some time playing fetch, go for a walk or take him to the dog park before attempting to capture the perfect photo. Once he’s a little tired out, it will be much easier to get him to stop moving every time he hears you take a breath.

labradoodle in car

5. Use high shutter speed for action shots

While puppy portraits are great, action shots are equally engaging. You’ll need a faster shutter speed than normal, though, if you want to see Fiona’s face as she’s jumping up to snag a ball. A faster shutter speed or continuous focus is also helpful when photographing pets in general, because you never know when they’re going to get distracted by something.

little girl and dog

While no one can guarantee your pet will rise to Doug the Pug or Grumpy Cat level-fame, a focus on improving your photography skills can set them up for success. Now get out there and add to the collection of the thousands of photos you already have of your fur baby!

By the way, these tips aren’t just for National Dog Day! They can also be used for capturing the perfect holiday photo of your dog!

5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day

What are your tips for taking great pet photos?

I’d love for you to share them in a comment below! Or better yet, stop by my private Facebook group for dog moms and join in the conversation there!

Editor’s Note: all photos in this article used courtesy of Dreamstime.com

The post 5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day appeared first on The Everyday Dog Mom.

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Christina, Khareem Sudlow
5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day 5 Tips to Nab the Perfect Pic for National Dog Day Reviewed by BruceDayne on August 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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