5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats - Pick Doggo

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats


Dogs love eating our food, and we all know it. However, not all human food can be shared with our furry friends. Some can be dangerous and toxic, while others can even be fatal.

Luckily for our canine pals, there are plenty of fruits and veggies that are safe and healthy to share with our dogs. Today, we’re giving you an insight into the healthiest fruits you can share with your dog and serve as a treat! Let’s get started!

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

1. Bananas

Bananas might be the best fruit for dogs, not only because of their nutritional value but also because they can be used for plenty of homemade recipes that you can quickly make for your dog.

This amazing fruit is full with Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, and a lot of vitamins that your dog needs. If you decide to feed your pup some bananas, always go for ripe ones and make sure to remove the peel and slice it into bite-sized chunks.

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

2. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes (or melons) are perfect summer fruits that refresh us after just a couple of bites. It’s no wonder they manage to keep us cool because they are mostly made of water.

Luckily, your dog can have some cantaloupe, too! This fruit will make an extraordinary treat during hot, summer days and will additionally help to hydrate your dog.

Not only that, but eating a bit of cantaloupe will bring your pup plenty of health benefits as well. Potassium contained in cantaloupes will keep your pup’s heart strong, and magnesium will make sure his muscles are fit.

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

3. Blueberries

You may have noticed a lot of high-quality dry dog foods contain blueberries. There’s a good reason behind this: blueberries are not only amazingly delicious, but they are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and K, fiber, and they’re low in sugar.

This great combination of nutritional traits will help prevent heart disease, obesity, as well as memory loss and urinary tract infections. Blueberries help in fighting inflammation in the body and boost the entire immune system.

Share blueberries raw and fresh with your dog and watch him enjoy those tiny blasts of healthy deliciousness.

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

4. Oranges

Oranges are great! It’s impossible to imagine so many months without this fresh, juicy fruit. And, apparently, your dog can also enjoy some oranges, too!

But, although they are very healthy, oranges shouldn’t be overfed to dogs because they contain slightly higher levels of sugar. This means that you should always pay attention to how much you share with your dog, and your dog will be able to get all its benefits.

These citrus fruits contain plenty of minerals that will take care of your pup’s brain and heart health.

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

5. Cranberries

Cranberries are known to be very healthy for people with diabetes, liver problems, or urinary tract infections. But we’re not the only ones that can benefit from this delicious berry. Dogs can have it, too!

Thanks to its numerous healthy compounds, cranberries can help fight urinary tract and bladder infections, soothe pain, and help with stomach ulcers.

These super berries also help in maintaining your dog’s oral hygiene in peak and improve a canine’s overall immune system.

5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats

Editor’s note: if you have any questions about what to feed your dog, always contact your veterinarian for advice.

Which of these fruits does your dog love? Tell us about it in a comment below, or join the conversation in The Everyday Dog Mom Collective, a private Facebook group for dog moms!

About the Author:

Kristina is the editor of Barking Royalty, the website where you can find plenty of useful and reliable information about canines. She has always been a dog person and had dogs since her early childhood. Kristina is constantly researching and learning about the ways to make dogs healthier and happier. She and her Havanese, Paco, are inseparable pals and enjoy spending time outdoors.

The post 5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats appeared first on The Everyday Dog Mom.

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Christina, Khareem Sudlow
5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats 5 Healthy Fruits That Make Great Dog Treats Reviewed by BruceDayne on July 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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