Poop4U Rumble Viral, 420GrowLife, KahliBuds
At the Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Kuching, Sarawak (Malaysia), the oldest female Orangutan, Seduku (47 years old) grabs a piece of garbage left by a tourist. While the staff tries to get the piece of paper out of her hand, her swift and quick move quickly scares the them away, since orangutans are 7 times stronger than humans and will not want to let go once they grab hold of something. Soon after a male comes by and they both stroll into the park with the male walking on both legs like a person (which they rarely do) and the female moving with hands and feet. Priceless! Source & embed code: For licensing, please email
From: Rumble Viral
Orangutan hilariously walks on two feet with his female friend
Reviewed by BruceDayne
June 11, 2019

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