Poop4U Rumble Viral, 420GrowLife, KahliBuds
Raccoons are incredibly cute creatures. Their inquisitive little faces and bandit masks make them too cute to resist. Their little paws are almost like hands and they use them constantly to touch and explore. They are like a mix of all the best things you'd find in kittens and puppies. When they are newborns, they are at their cutest. It is at this time that they are also at their most vulnerable.brbrThis baby raccoon is only a few weeks old. He is part of a litter of five that were found by a good Samaritan, near a local zoo. The starving little creatures had lost their mother when she was hit by a car. They took refuge near a camel enclosure at the edge of the zoo, but it was clear that they were not doing well and that they could not survive on their own.brbrThis one, in particular was needing help. She had a gaping wound on her face where the flesh had been torn. Her mouth was left wide open on the side and her jaw had become infected and sore. She would even be able to eat until this wound was closed. A licensed local animal rehab worker was called and she was able to trap all five raccoons. She quickly arranged for this little girl to be examined by a kind veterinarian who would treat wild animals in need.brbrExamination revealed that this baby raccoon had been attacked. Her facial injuries included a broken tooth, infection and jaw injury, as well as the gaping hole left by the sliced lip. As if that were not enough, one of the bones in her front paw had been broken and she had puncture wounds, showing that she had been bitten by a larger animal.brbrThis little rescue was named Eva and she was treated like a VIP patient at the animal hospital. She was given pain medication, and x-rays to determine the extent of her wounds and the most effective treatment. She was given a sedative and then anesthetic while the staff worked at removing bone and teeth fragments and then closing her face wounds. Small portions of tissue were actually removed in order to allow the two sides of the wound to knit together. She was then expertly stitched in a manner that would make her lip functional again.brbrAs Eva woke up from anesthetic, she was given oxygen through a mask and hose apparatus. She slowly came to life and delicately pawed at the mask around her nose and stretched as if waking from an enjoyable slumber. Her movements touched the hearts of all her rescuers and the small crowd of technicians and the veterinary surgeon let out cries of adoration. She was simply the cutest thing they had seen in a long time. Eva's rehabber also assisted and watched during the surgery and recovery and she completely melted as well.brbrEva will be provided with a splint to stabilize her paw as the break heals and she will be given special food and lots of care. Although her wounds were life threatening, raccoons are very resilient. With lots of help, she will be on her way to recovery and eventual release into the wild.brbrThe rehab facility that rescued Eva and her siblings is run by a very caring woman who operates on a minimal budget. Her work is possible through donations and help from animal lovers. If you would like to help her, please email for contact information. Source & embed code: For licensing, please email
From: Rumble Viral
Rescued raccoon recovering from surgery captures veterinary staff's hearts
Reviewed by BruceDayne
May 30, 2019

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