The Benefits Of CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders And Insomnia - Pick Doggo

The Benefits Of CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders And Insomnia

One of the most important components of life is sleep. The way we sleep at night largely influences the behavior and performance we provide the next day. More and more people are suffering from a form of chronic sleep disorder. Specialists believe that certain medication can  contribute to insomnia, especially as this disorder is a frequent side effect of antidepressants.

On the other hand, people who are taking sleeping pills, to get rid of insomnia, can become addicted to these drugs. This state of dependence appears when the treatment is stopped. Symptoms like tremors, nausea, anxiety, changes in blood pressure, muscle cramps may then occur.

Since drugs generate addiction and can lead to abuse, people are looking for natural options to minimize the negative effects. In this sense, cannabidiol has become a viable medical alternative. Here is how CBD is not only a healthy alternative to sleeping pills but it can counteract many factors that cause sleep disturbances.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is the sensation of inadequate or poor repose due to problematic sleep, frequent night awakening with difficulty in falling asleep again.

Insomnia is classified as:

  • Transient (short-term) – lasting from one night to a few weeks;
  • Intermittent (appears and disappears) – where the episodes appear from time to time;
  • Chronic (constant) – insomnia occurs in most nights, at least three times a week for more than a month.

Insomnia may occur due to emotional, neurological or medical disorders as well as a result of stimulant medications or alcohol/drug addiction.

What Illnesses Can Insomnia Hide?

In most cases, insomnia is based on psychiatric pathology, ie neurosis (depression, anxiety) or psychosis (schizophrenia and related disorders). Insomnia also occurs in thyroid disorders, alongside depression and appetite disorders.

Insomnia may appear in patients with adrenal gland disorders, as well as patients with advanced cirrhosis when hepatic encephalopathy occurs. Last but not least, this disease occurs in patients with cardiac pathology, especially due to decompensation in the evening or at night. 

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). In our body, this system produces its own cannabinoids. ECS regulates processes such as our mood and appetite, as well as our perception of pain.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system and its receptors having numerous beneficial effects as research results suggest.

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The Effects of CBD on Sleep

CBD is a constituent of the plant called cannabis. Another constituent of this plant is THC. Both substances are known for their beneficial effects. However, THC also has a psychoactive effect, unlike CBD. Hemp plants contain a high CBD concentration.

Several studies have shown that CBD can have a medicinal effect on a wide range of health problems. One of these problems is insomnia. CBD not only makes sleeping easier but also influences the sleep cycle.

Sleep divides into several cycles with different phases. Insomnia occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, called REM parasomnia. In this phase, active behavior and nightmares will take place during dreams. This is a category of sleep disorders that involves behaviors, emotions and abnormal movements. It is also characterized by loss of muscles’ capacity to relax during REM sleep.

Cannabidiols have strong anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and sedative effects. CBD oil has the ability to control these disturbing symptoms because it directly affects CB1 receptors in the brain, an important receptor that is responsible for multiple actions of the central nervous system.

In addition, CBD decreases the duration of REM sleep. By reducing this phase, people dream less, memory improves and symptoms of depression are lowered. Blood tests have shown that CBD oil influences dopamine levels in the blood during sleep. This leads to a better, relaxed sleep alongside lower destructive behavior.

In sleep disturbance, the same component called CBD, by its anxiolytic effect, blocks anxiety states induced in REM sleep state, which makes a person suffering from this disorder have a longer sleeping time; therefore, recover fast from damages provoked by previous insomnia episodes.

Recommended CBD Oil Dosage in Sleeping Disorders?

The first thing to look for, when decided to consume CBD oil, is its purity. This applies in any case, regardless of the medical disorder encountered. If it is not in its pure state, containing 100% CBD oil, this treatment may have weaker results. Moreover, when it is not in a pure state, this oil may comprise other chemicals which promote allergies. offers lab-tested, 100% natural CBD oil which may come in handy in treating sleep disorders and insomnia. Unlike other medical treatments, this CBD oil does not give addiction and does not have other side effects on brain chemistry, in neither short or long-term.

For sleep disorders, the recommended CBD oil dosage shall fall between 40 mg-160 mg of CBD taken orally. The exact amount taken depends on the user’s body weight and tolerance, as well as the concentration of CBD per ml of oil. The higher the body weight, the greater is the dosage of CBD oil.

In some cases, users develop a tolerance to the consumption of CBD oil, meaning that once ingested effects take longer to appear. In this case, it is advisable to increase the usual dosage.

Final Thoughts

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a component of Cannabis sativa plant that has an extensive range of potential beneficial effects in neuropsychiatric and other disorders. Insomnia is among disorders that finds its cure in CBD oil.

Sleep is very important for the body’s recovery and if this becomes insufficient it can affect your health. The main cause of insomnia today stays the stress, which in the long run remains harmful to the body.

Among the most common reasons for using CBD oil is the effect of relieving stress and anxiety. Cannabidiol has great efficacy in relaxing the mind, reducing stress and inducing calmness, being a good solution to combat insomnia and sleep disorders. April 25, 2019 at 06:09PM, 420GrowLife, KahliBuds
The Benefits Of CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders And Insomnia The Benefits Of CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders And Insomnia Reviewed by GrowLife420 on April 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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